
i saw a film today, oh boy

  • in fact, i saw 4 films today. and i have 4 more to go through.
  • in cinema saw an atonement poster – it’ll start on 17.01
  • i’ve spend 5 days listening to single song, no wonder it’s now reached #7 among “top tracks”
  • got to make myself this only “special new year dish” – fruit salad.
    (not that anything prevents me from making it at any other day of the year,
    but there’s only this time when i actually bring myself to cut all those fruits)
  • planning to keep icq offline, telephone calls unanswered & front door shut for 3 more days

who’s that star i cast?

Mr Tumnus

Судя по скорости с которой James McAvoy перешел к ролям в фильмах с Анджелиной Джоли и Морганом Фрименом на втором плане, Mr. Tumnus (фавн) в Хрониках Нарнии стал самым ярким впечатлением от фильма не только для меня.

While watching trailer for Atonement (the movie i definitely want to see: i loved the book back then, and i’m sure i’ll like the movie), i thought that Belle & Sebastian song “I Fought In A War” would fit nicely into it.

Robbie from Atonement


Belle & Sebastian – I Fought In A War

I fought in a war and I left my friends behind me
To go looking for the enemy, and it wasn’t very long
Before I would stand with another boy in front of me
And a corpse that just fell into me, with the bullets flying round
And I reminded myself of the words you said when we were getting on
And I bet you’re making shells back home for a steady boy to wear
Round his neck, well it won’t hurt to think of you as if you’re waiting for
This letter to arrive because I’ll be here quite a while

I fought in a war and I left my friends behind me
To go looking for the enemy, and it wasn’t very long
Before I found out that the sickness there ahead of me
Went beyond the bedsit infamy of the decade gone before

And I reminded myself of the words you said when we were getting on
And I bet you’re making shells back home for a steady man to wear
Round his neck, well it won’t hurt to think of you as if you’re waiting for
This letter to arrive because I’ll be here quite a while

I fought in a war, and I didn’t know where it would end
It stretched before me infinitely, I couldn’t really think
Of the day beyond now, keep your head down pal
There’s trouble plenty in this hour, this day
I can see hope I can see light

And I reminded myself of the looks you gave when we were getting on
And I bet you’re making shells back home for a steady man to wear
Round his neck, well it won’t hurt to think of you as if you’re waiting for
This letter to arrive because I’ll be here quite a while