About kuzzzma

Artist, photographer, papercraft designer, doll and action figures collector, traveller. Speaking Russian and English.

Zenphoto theme | Paradigm (ver. 1.6)

Zenphoto theme Paradigm - version 1.6

A new version of Paradigm theme for Zenphoto CMS comes very soon after previous release.

If version 1.5 was a collection of stuff I was working on for a almost 5 month, here and there, adding and fixing stuff, as I had a bit of time to work on it, version 1.6 is a beast of different kind.
When my life feels out of control and long-term, mid-term and short-term plans are gone out of the window yet again, I see myself again and again taking on this kind of work: code, solitude, problem-solving and being in control. Working on my web-projects and anything adjacent is almost therapeutic, it allows for regaining control in at least one section of my life and works as a “palate cleanser” against stress. That’s how I was able to check off so many items from my Paradigm To-do list, including some major items, that were actually planned for Ver. 2.0!

I’ve added support for several plugins and added more options for existing implementations, but my major concern was cleaning up of the code and reworking Options, as this was a major setback, that impacted speed of my work and was just a pain to look at. While working through it all, I’ve found a lot of small bugs and plan to report or just submit my solutions, when I have more free time.

Changelog and my notes are below. Bug reports and features suggestions are welcome.

I’ve also added new screenshots to the Screenshots of Paradigm ver. 1.6 Gallery on my Demo site.
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04.2024 | Monthly Review


Tom Williams & the Boat – My Bones
an old favourite

Films & TV:

Ничего нового, только пересмотрел пару фильмов.


Dolls & Action Figures:

Takara dolls: Jenny Friends photo albums uploaded in April 2024Jenny Friends photo albums uploaded in April 2024

  • Альбомы 1991 Jenny и Jenny Friends с официальными ДР в апреле: Lisa, Jeff & Ken, Mille-feuille, Julia
  • Прогнал через распознаватель текста Google пару имевшихся у меня сканов книг-справочников о Jenny на будущее.

Web & Tech:

Основные усилия пришлись на эту сферу и, как показывают наблюдения за живой природой, апрель уже который год становится для меня месяцем фокуса на вебе-коде-софте и других сходных интересах.

  • Я решил переключиться и заодно сделать что-то полезное, собрав все мелкие правки и накопившиеся идеи для реализации в новом релизе Paradigm и выпустить его в свет.
    Это дало нам версию Paradigm 1.5, с ченджлогом на страницу.
  • Но мне было мало, переключение работало на отлично, и я занялся реализацией нескольких долгосрочных целей – ревью и причёсыванием кода, реорганизацией настроек и переименование переменных до стандарта. В результате, спустя неделю была выпущена версия Paradigm 1.6 с ченджлогом опять на страницу. Сейчас я понимаю, что мне стоило назвать эту версию 2.0 (из-за ломки настроек для пользователей), но что поделать.
  • В процессе ревью кода – насобирал кучу мелких и не очень нюансов в Zenphoto, которые начал репортить на Github.
    Продолжу, как будет время.


  • Треш, угар и прочий паноптикум + куча беготни в начале месяца.


Meme: Fixing bugs at night

Zenphoto theme | Paradigm (ver. 1.5)

Zenphoto theme Paradigm - version 1.5

A new version of Paradigm theme for Zenphoto CMS was once again mostly implementing features born out of my own needs while working on a new website. As I’ve decided to cut myself some slack with content upload and spread it out intentionally through at least a year, I was able to pay more attention to CMS side of things, look into features for a better SEO and, in the process, catch some bags in Zenphoto and Paradigm and report or fix them.

Several issues were reported by users (Ewgeniy & Mark) for which I’m very grateful, as I wasn’t using those features myself and were not likely to catch bugs there anytime soon, also discussions with ChristianS on Zenphoto forum gave me a few ideas for future features (probably for version 1.6). So, if you have any ideas or noticed anything weird/not working – drop me a line.

Most additions add even more flexibility for displaying your content without any need to edit theme files.

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Stand Still Stay Silent papertoys | Onni Hotakainen

Papercraft Stand Still Stay Silent – Onni Hotakainen Papertoy
Model by: kuzzzma
Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆ (1/5)
Time: ~1 hour
Links: A03 | Tumblr | Twitter

Stand Still Stay Silent Onni Hotakainen papertoy

I finally got around to finish off my series of papertoys of characters from web-comic Stand Still Stay Silent by adding much requested Onni Hotakainen. This papertoy is based on his appearance during First Silent World adventure.

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