papercraft | Gorillaz Murdoc papertoy (cape version)

Gorillaz: Murdoc – papertoys, my design and build.
Model by: kuzzzma
Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆ (2/5)
Time: around an hour

Inspired by KidRobot Gorillaz figures: Murdoc of Phase 2, “CMYK” version.

My Gorillaz project is not dead: another version of my Murdoc papertoy, this time – in his underwear and that hat.
Only Russel left to make…

Gorillaz Murdoc paper toy (pants)

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papercraft | Gorillaz Murdoc papertoy

Gorillaz: Murdoc – papertoys, my design and build.
Model by: kuzzzma
Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆ (2/5)
Time: around an hour
Inspired by KidRobot Gorillaz figures.

Finally, I came around to create missing members of Gorillaz. I give you Murdoc!
April 2021: Now there’s another version – with a cape.

Gorillaz Murdoc papertoy

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papercraft | Gorillaz Noodle papertoy (custom)

Gorillaz: Noodle – papertoys, my build.
Model by: unknown
Custom by: kuzzzma
Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆ (2/5)
Time: less than an hour
Note: Custom version of Noodle

Inspired by KidRobot Gorillaz figures: Noodle of Phase 2, “CMYK” version.

Noodle papertoy (custom)

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