Along with Momoko Retro Mermaid I’ve received another Momoko doll – Soft Hot Milk.
This doll was announced in September of 2015 and released in November 2015.
At that moment I was too busy with buying my apartment and had no free time (or money) for indulging my dolly passions…
But memory of this sweet girl with wide eyes looking up into autumn sky persisted – and while placing preorder for Retro Mermaid I looked her up at amiami website.
Here she was, with huge discount – of course, I had to have her.
Promo pictures:
Unboxing pictures:
Apart from Retro Mermaid, she is the most recent Momoko in my collection – all others are from earlier years, 2005 -2009.
With her I finally got my hands on new body for Momoko – with extra joint in torso, so far liked the experience – extra range of motion adds fluidity to her poses
First photoshoot:
Her Album on Doll Collector with more photos
Info page on Sekiguchi website