Changelog for Azrael Mod by kuzzzma
Full list of changes in this version is available below:
- 1.0 – by kuzzzma (April 2021)
- Restored functionality by updating code for use with current Columns_UI plugin.
- Reworked columns and logic:
- 5 playlist variations to suit any scenario: Basic, All music, VA-playlist, Singles playlist, Classical playlist.
- Added more tech fields to customize further.
- Reworked theming:
- Renamed variables for easier customization.
- Added style for NG Playlist Grouping (Enable at Columns UI/Playlist View/Grouping).
- Added 16 new themes.
- Added option to choose stripes or solid color for tracklist of albums.
- Added more customization options.
- Added support for:
- Enhanced Playback Statistics.
- BPM.
- Lyrics.
- Soft Playlists plugin
Changelog for Azrael by Kian Andersen aka Nexus
Last updated: 25th of July 2006 17:14
This changelog was taken from copy of his page for posterity.
- Azrael 5.8
- Implemented new $set_style format
- New Notification area tooltip code
- Minor code changes and bug fixes
- Some color scheme’s has updated colors (seriously can’t remember where or when I changed something)
- Azrael 5.7
- Big recoding (Too many changes to write this time)
- New color scheme format
- New color schemes: Tronnix, XPMC Alpha, Fear Factory, Thunder Storm, Fly OS, Luster & Fresco (White & Black)
- Some color schemes have changed!
- Removed some options
- Design change
- Some features where removed (some where readded again in a new way)
- Changed settings default (see documentation)
- Azrael 5.6.6
- Readded Statusbar code from version 5.4
- Uses new Play_counter tagz
- Added option to use DD/MM-YEAR TIME format
- New colour scheme Largo
- Azrael 5.6
- Changed albuminfo selected colouring (background and text)
- Changed column seperator after albuminfo (small coding change nothing to see here)
- Added abbreviation of long album names on singletracks in album mode
- Smaller changes here and there (I’ll never tell)
- Azrael 5.5 Revived
- New colour scheme Oxidized
- Added abbreviation of long album names in single mode
- Disabled extension column by default
- Azrael Last Edition (5.4)
- Fixed singletrack with tracknumber one bug (showed design line)
- Changed size of length column to fix xx:xx times not showing the first x in elapsed
- Exchanged the * in the rating column with circles
- Changed size of rating columns to go with the circles
- Added new option, it is now possible to choose your own rating char
- Added ‘va’ tag as Various Artist detector
- Fixed 3 digit tracknumbers starting with 00
- Status bar: the trailing ‘]’ is not drawn in all situations. bug fixed (thanks Christoph)
- Azrael 5.3
- Fixed Singletrack bug (column destroying colors)
- Fixed using bonustrack tag in album mode bug (no space between title and *Bonustrack*)
- Fixed colouring bug when title has tekst(tekst)tekst bug (last tekst was wrong colouring)
- Fixed colouring bug with all columns using custom colours!
- Added new colour scheme Luna Element (Mostly like Luna but another blue and some other colours changed!)
- Azrael 5.2
- Added new colour scheme (Prominence Pro)
- More tracknumber types are now support (first album line)
- Azrael 5.1
- Fixed first line bug (tracknumber support issue)
- Fixed not showing Unknown Artist on Various Artist albums bug
- Recoding of trackrating no more speciel color codes and now shows * and not || (and much less code, global coded)
- Clean up colorcoding to remove redundant trackrating colors
- Made rating column smaller
- Azrael 5.0
- Removed option to not display extra codec info
- Made ext column that shows .ext
- Changed now-playing a little
- Some Minor changes in the statusbar (can’t remember all of them)
- Removed progressbar from statusbar (I didn’t like it)
- Added Show ReplyGain info in title column option (so it is possible to remove the RG column
- Removed different coloring of the first line
- Added Starting line for albums
- Added option set all lowercase or first letter uppercase in ext column
- Added Selected color change to album info
- Azrael 4.9.1
- Added new color scheme: LaST (Cobalt)
- Now playing animation now uses title colors
- Made Now playing animation 3 chars and not 5 and changed a little
- Changed the size of Artist and Title column
- Azrael
- Fixed album mode line showing for tracknumber 4 even if singletrack tag is set
- Azrael – Statusbar update
- Rerranged stuff in the statusbar
- Removed some spacers
- Fixed a bug with tab() (old code that was not removed)
- Cleaned up the code
- Removed speciel musepack features
- Made progressbar larger
- Put [ ] around ReplyGain info
- Show Codec info? (default off)[statusbar]
- Show Bitrate? (default off)[statusbar]
- Show Extrainfo? (default off)[statusbar]
- Show ReplyGain info? (default on)[statusbar]
- Progressbar length (default 100)[statusbar]
- Azrael 4.9
- New statusbar design (Recoded/Modified version of upNorth’s design)
- Tweaked finishing line a little
- Turned on ReplayGain Column
- Fixed Date text changing color when selected bug
- Option show album info on singletrack is now turned off by default
- Codec code now shows the soundfiles extension (in uppercase) it uses much less code
- Codec code musepack now shows q3 -> q8 and not long preset names
- Made encoding column smaller
- Made lasttrack line work with tracknumber/lasttrack tracknumbering
- Fixed some tracknumber compatibility issues
- Azrael 4.8.8
- Removed different coloring of tracknumber 4
- Added bottom line to tracknumber 4
- Genre/Composer tradede places with Discname/Disc/Date
- If lasttrack then there will be a finishing line when an album ends!
- Azrael 4.8.7
- Fixed if no discname tag then disc tag is not displayed bug
- Turned off some seperator columns
- Added new column Path (turned off by default)
- Added Start & End Line (design color)
- Azrael 4.8.6
- Fixed singletrack displaying all album info (like date etc.) bug
- Azrael 4.8.5
- Fixed is_single background bug
- Changed which columns are shown by default (my needs have changed)
- Removed some redundant code
- Added an option to show album info from singletracks (on by default)
- Azrael 4.8.1
- Fixed genre / composer bug
- Azrael 4.8
- All new -s- (single playlist) code and design
- Recoded album design core code (using of $select and not $if hacks)
- Recoded coloring of album mode (using of $select and not $if hacks)
- Some redesigning of album mode
- Small fixes here and there
- Removed different coloring of single lines in album mode
- Removed different coloring of first line in title column
- Rearranged all color schemes! (This makes them harder to read but uses less kb, I have not changed them on the web so if you need a template use them)
- Azrael
- Added PixOS Color Scheme
- Azrael 4.7.3
- Added an option to use the Green Check and Red X in ReplayGain Column
- Azrael 4.7.2
- Moved Genre info to track 4
- Added an option to switch album and artist position
- Removed No Trackrating text
- Made rating column smaller
- Added support for dynamic bitrate
- Azrael 4.7
- Changed ReplayGain and Now-playing so that Azrael now should support any font you wish to use
- Fixed some coloring of track 4 info
- Moved animation closer to title
- Changed Rating to || for better support
- Changed Rating color (all schemes) so it does not change on it’s way up
- Made rating compatible with %rating% and %trackrating%
- Added all the color schemes to the file
- Removed the selected item frame info from color selection (Look at the color or in the documentation)
- Azrael 4.6
- Rearranged some of the columns
- Added an option to turn off the AlbumGain info in the RG Column
- Optimized some coding
- Changed codec coding (Musepack->MPC, Monkey’s Audio->APE, The True Audio->TTA)
- Made encoding column smaller
- Added Unknown Artist and Unknown Album in Album mode
- Turned off Encoding column by default
- Changed the sizes of artist and title
- Moved the now-playing animation to the title text
- Azrael 4.5.2
- Fixed singletrack with tracknumber 1 coloring failure
- Changed some colors in Dark Red
- Changed Artist alignment (it was wrong)
- Made TTA show as ‘The True Audio’
- Changed so TTA compression is not calculated but taken from compression info
- Azrael 4.5.1
- Made Encoding column bigger
- Added Compression info to Monkey’s Audio Files (Fast, Normal etc.)
- Azrael 4.5
- Changed the color sections so they are a little smaller (not much but everthing counts)
- Added TTA support to encoding column
- Cleaned up some code here and there
- Made Encoding column bigger
- Made ReplayGain column smaller
- Made Tracknumber column smaller
- Change some of the seperator columns to “disappear” when selected
- Moved genre up besides artist
- Moved date to where genre was
- Coded Caps2 features to Globals
- Coded Encoding to Globals
- Coded Now-playing animation to Globals
- Made Now-playing animation have one color (I like this better)
- Azrael 4.4.7
- Recoded title code! (More optimized, first track on album now has same color as artist! (So it is easier to see)
- Recoded playlist numbering! (More optimized, removed coloring of dimmed when is_playing)
- Added bonusf color for coloring () and bonustrack in the first album track
- Azrael 4.4.6
- Disc & Discname now works together!
- Changed Artist column size
- Added links to skins that inspired the color schemes
- Azrael 4.4.5
- Added new color scheme (em Meditation)
- Changed singletrack detection code (Thanks to nIRV)
- Removed some color schemes out of the download (they are now available in the documentation)
- Made a Custom color choice where users can insert there own color or one from my list
- Azrael 4.4
- Added changing row color on none album tracks
- Added changing row color on info columns (playlistnumber, encoding, rg, play counter, rating, filename)
- Fixed a design column that was coded wrong
- Added WavPack, OptimFROG support to encoding code (hopefully)
- Made Musepack output MPC
- Changed encoding column size
- Added 2 new color scheme (Watercolor & Stetz)
- Added titlep for changing title playing color
- Fixed Selected Various Artist Text in some schemes (artistvs did not exist in all schemes)
- Azrael 4.3.5
- Removed $roman tracknumber option (made # column to big and ugly)
- Changed # column size
- Dimmed leading zeros in tracknumbers (added alle 4 colors to global config)
- Changed Last Time Played: “dd/mm/yy @ time” to direct output (please config play_counter to save in the format you want shown!)
- Changed align code in -s- artist
- Changed -s- artist size
- Per request changed Play Counter to 1000 and not 10000
- Changed Play Counter column size
- Azrael 4.3
- Added ‘Last Time Played: dd/mm/yy @ time’ to statusbar
- Added if track four has %lasttrack% as tag it will have album info color and not the design color!
- Changed The Codec code in the statusbar to be like in the Encoding Column (Plus added Channels, and Samplerate)
- Changed Rating column to show No Trackrating if no trackrating tag is present
- Recoded large parts of the statusbar code
- Optimized Main title code and Systray code
- Cleaned up encoding column code
- Cleaned up PL column code
- Cleaned up and optimized the title code (reduced the size to a little under half)
- Play Counter now shows dimmed 00000 if files have not been played (Contains no play_counter tag)
- Azrael 4.2.27
- Added Play Counter Column (enabled)
- Changed Now-playing animation code (very very small change)
- Changed tracknumber column size (to match roman tracknumber option)
- Fixed Luna Playing Background Color
- Azrael 4.2.26
- Fixed artist alignment option!
- Azrael 4.2.25
- Changed title code so when $caps2() is turn on it only wraps around titles, extra and bonustrack not artist
- Changed title (-s-) code so that on various the artist is not shown (it is shown in artist column)
- Changed playlistnumbering dimming (now does not use playlist_total but 1000)
- Changed a color in Rebutz2 Dusk (Playlist dimmed selected)
- Moved now-playing note to titles column
- Moved now-playing animation into title (being in a column for it self just took to much space!)
- Deleted now-playing columns
- Changed artist and title size
- Added an option to convert tracknumbers to Roman numbers
- Fixed coloring in Filename column
- Azrael 4.2.21
- Added an option to use $caps2() on the title column
- Azrael 4.2.20
- Added new color scheme ReButz2 Dusk
- Azrael 4.2.19
- Added filename column (is disabled by default)
- Added singletrack option (if not(album tag) then singletrack)
- Azrael 4.2.18
- Fixed a color in Pixel8
- Added an option to make an album appear like various if directoryname is only album
- Azrarel 4.2.17
- Added an option that looks for replaygain_album info and if none is found sets track as singletrack (is disabled by default)
- Added Composer info to track 4 (Looks like artist)
- Azrael 4.2.16
- Moved now-playing animation to own column (it sometimes destroyed titles if the title was long)
- Fixed coloring mistake when using -s- indicator in playlist name
- Fixed tracknumber showing on singletracks – showed 00 (this was fixed in a silent release)
- Changed title and artist colum sizes
- Added Dark Purple color scheme
- Azrael 4.2.15
- Reverted to $num(%tracknumber%, for different tracknumber style support (1/2, 01/12, 12 of 12 and so on)
- Azrael 4.2.14
- Added Pixel8 color scheme
- Azrael 4.2.13
- Added and option to move the artist (align left or right) on singletracks
- Azrael 4.2.4
- Moved album in singletrack so it shows like this artist [album]
- Fixed some color bugs
- Dimmed [album] in singletracks!
- Fixed extra ‘)’ in Lossless Audio Files
- Recoded the Encoding Column (Optimized = less code)
- Changed Musepack (105 kbps q5 sv to Musepack [q5 sv7] (105 kbps)
- Made Encoding Column bigger
- Azrael 4.2.3
- Added VBR & CBR info to MP3 codec
- Added q1 -> q8 info for MusePack codec
- Added streamversion info for MusePack codec
- Made Encoding column bigger
- Azrael 4.2.2
- Added support for making whole playlists look like singletrack (using the -s- indicator anywhere in the name will activate it)
- Azrael 4.2.1
- Added [album] to singletracks where it exists
- Azrael 4.2
- Changed some colors in alle the themes
- Added Shortening of Windows Media Audio V7/V8 to WMA
- Added Shortening of Windows Media Audio V9 Lossless Mode to WMA Lossless (compression ratio)
- Changed size of Encoding Field
- Fixed the text where parenthesis is dimmed first in track title
- Added Commentary to almost everything
- Changed the ‘parenthesis is dimmed’ code
- Added new color theme: b0se OpusOS Blue (yes it is another blue but more smooth)
- Fixed some title coloring
- Fixed some playlist coloring
- Added more color controls
- Made Codec name be to the left and quality be on the right
- Azrael 4.1.8
- Changed standard size of album and title
- Align Playlistnumber to the right
- Fixed filename not showing anymore (when no title tag is present)
- Fixed Playlistnumber color in Dark Theme
- Added support for BONUSTRACK tag shows *Bonus Track* in dimmed color besides track title
- Added grey Unknow Artist when no Artist tag is present on singletracks
- Dimmed parenthesis in track title
- Azrael 4.1.7
- New Color: Luna (Matches Windows XP Luna (Blue)
- Fixed a bug with singletrack background
- Added more colors to control
- Azrael 4.1.6
- New Color: Dark (Red & Black Theme)
- Added more color controls
- Small corrections
- Small bug fixes
- Azrael 4.1.5
- Various Artist update – Changed so that %album artist% and %performer% is shown if present (else various artist is shown)
- Azrael 4.1.4
- Better detection of Singletrack (Like Dynamic by upNorth)
- Better detection of Various Artist (Like Dynamic by upNorth)
- Azrael 4.1.3
- Small bug fixes
- Added b0se Classic Green color scheme
- Mixed Normal and Rating to one version with Rating disabled by default
- Azrael 4.1.2
- Updated to beta 7 format
- Small changes
- Azrael 4.1
- Made 2 color schemes (Goof, b0se Classic)
- Fixed some small bugs
- Azrael 4
- Moved all colors to Global (making it easy to change colors)
- Changed colors to fit my current skin Goof
- Optimized some more code!
- Azrael 3
- Moved RG to outer right side (switched with encoding)
- Moved now-playing marker from beside artist to beside title (works better)
- Moved %discname% and %disc% to tracknumber 3
- Moved %date% to tracknumber 2
- Moved %genre% to tracknumber 3
- Moved a lot of colors to global
- No coloring of 1. track on albums in: RG, Encoding, Playlist
- Added background to album info (custom coloring of artist column)
- Added background to title (custom coloring of title column)
- Made singletrack artist right align
- Changed size of outer seperators
- Some more code optimizing
- Azrael 2.6.3
- Bugfix (now tracknumbers 01, 02 ,03 ,04 etc. can be used!)
- Azrael 2.6.2
- Changed statusbar (so that it shows codec info like in column)
- Azrael 2.6.1
- More code optimizing
- Using new $tracknumber() function of 8.1 beta (makes the code smaller)
- Azrael 2.6
- Optimized the code (made some more global and minimized some other things)
- Azrael 2.5
- Better various support (artist is shown as Various Artist and the artist name is shown in front of the title (Like Hybrid and Dynamic by UpNorth)
- Azrael 2.4
- an animated now playing marker in the title column
- Dimmed zeroes in playlist numbers!
- Zero not visible with tracknumber 1 and is_playing
- Azrael 2.2
- Changed background (does not change on each track! I didn’t like that)
- Made another seperator (1px after tracknumber to symbol title start)
- Made the seperator before tracknumber only show on albums
- Made more room for Encoding (Monkey’s Audio (xx%) is now visible)
- Made less room for playlistnumber
- Made less room for tracknumber
- Made less room for ReplayGain
- Changed Statusbar (now shows running time / length = % and TGain & AGain info)
- Made Playlist, now playing marker, tracknumber, Length, RG & Encoding not resize!
- Changed size of outer seperators (design)
- Made album, date, genre and now playing marker stay black even when selected
- Azrael 2.0
- New design (not so many columns more place for artist and title)
- More use of separator (to make the cool look) They don’t resize (Thanks to RotAtoR)
- Genre included (this is for all of you I don’t believe in genre each band plays it’s way)
- new length of artist and title (now all my album names and titles are shown)
- Most likely other things I don’t remember!
- Azrael 1.12
- Change Seperators to resize=0 (thanks RotAtoR)
- Changed color of ReplayGain Icons (was hard to see)
- Made ReplayGain Icons change color when selected
- Azrael 1.10
- Changed colors to match my current skin!
- Made text color differ! (Selected, 1. track, others)
- Azrael 1.01
- Added “- -” in Date of albums
- Fixed other small issues!
- Azrael 1.0 – First Release