In my bag (May 2022)

In my bag - May 2022

It’s been ages since I’ve done one of those… So here is my minimal everyday carry after 2 years of pandemic.

Most used bag at the moment is my ECCO Belaga mini crossbody bag in blue-grey, it held really well – saffiano-type leather used means there are no visible scratches even after all those years. Bag style is perfect for me, it goes with everything.

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In my bag (January 2014)

In my bag - January 2014My bag contents

It’s always fascinating to see what others carry in their bags (I’ve been a member of Flick group What’s in my bag? since forever). So here are the contents of mine + some comments.

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current state of affairs

черт, а вы ведь и не знаете.

i’m unemployed again and i’m feeling fine.
no, forget it. i’m feeling great, absolutely bloody fantastic.
no more notebooks, no more getting home at 9pm [for time being] finally got some time to do stuff i postponed for months.

plan to update my resume this weekend & start looking for new gig on Monday
but: with laziness & without any pressure whatsoever
and: i have no idea what job position i’ll seek this time

Исполнение старинной (почти народной) шотландской песни африканским ансамблем песни и пляски (с барабанами, притопываниями и всем, что полагается такому ансамблю) – это одно из моих ярчайших культурных впечатлений последнего времени.

I’m convinced that headphones – are a sex toy for some people (me included)