If you stop tellin’ people it’s all sorted out after they’re dead,
they might try sorting it all out while they’re alive.
test results
- Secular Humanism (100%)
- Unitarian Universalism (96%)
- Liberal Quakers – Religious Society of Friends (77%)
- Non-theist (72%)
- Theravada Buddhism (62%)
- Taoism (55%)
- Mainline – Liberal Christian Protestants (55%)
- Neo-Pagan (53%)
- New Age (53%)
- Reform Judaism (48%)
- Mahayana Buddhism (46%)
- New Thought (46%)
- Sikhism (44%)
- Scientology (37%)
- Jainism (27%)
- Christian Science Church of Christ, Scientist (27%)
- Orthodox Quaker – Religious Society of Friends (26%)
- Hinduism (24%)
- Bahai (15%)
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (15%)
- Mainline – Conservative Christian Protestant (5%)
- Orthodox Judaism (3%)
- Eastern Orthodox (0%)
- Islam (0%)
- Jehovahs Witness (0%)
- Roman Catholic (0%)
- Seventh Day Adventist (0%)