and housed within the song’s design
is the ghost the host has left behind
to greet and sweep the guest inside,
stoke the fire and sing his lines..
Turner: You’re funny. You take pictures of empty streets and trees with no leaves on them.
Kathy: It’s winter.
Turner: Not quite winter. They look like November. Not autumn, not winter. In-between.
I like them.Kathy: Thanks.
Kathy: Sometimes I take a picture that isn’t like me, but I took it so it is like me. It has to be.
I put those pictures away.Turner: I’d like to see those pictures.
Kathy: We don’t know each other that well.
Turner: Do you know anybody that well?
I carry tunes around like they carry me
this is not an all-time-favourite-songs list, this is songs-i-listened-on-repeat-for-days timeline.
more than a melody’s needed, more than a melody’s needed, more than a melody’s needed, more than a melody’s needed, more than a melody’s needed…
подруга: а это “верхний мир”…
я: ну вот такой у меня верхний мир >___<
* Весело провели полчаса, ползая по вики и просматривая символическое значение*
Disclaimer: All coincidences are coincidental, and as such – hold even greater value for practicing symbolism readers.
У героя, проходного в общем-то, сериала Identity всю дорогу выражение лица как у меня “по жизни”
(и проблемы с холодильником)